A FEW YEARS AGO I had two cards pushed through my door because parcels were delivered and we were out. It had taken me some considerable time to trace a supplier of decaffeinated tea by water process (almost all firms in England use chemicals) but I found that Twinings produced some for export, and were willing to sell me some. This was one of the packets that couldn’t be delivered so I arranged for them to call when someone would be in.
The van drove up on the appropriate day and the driver walked down the path with our parcel. Schmitz, our dog at the time, with his usual exuberant and joyful ‘barkyness’ went wild. Patricia managed to grab his collar and pull him back over the doorstep, but on looking up saw the man walking back to his cab throwing the retort over his shoulder “collect it yourself” climbed back into his van and drove off back to his depot. The days of co-operation seem to have long gone. I think it was good I wasn’t in the house at the time!
Matsushita has developed a video monitor system that snaps pictures of anyone who rings your doorbell while you are out for the day. The device captures up to 16 snapshots per day. It is good for checking those people who “case” the area looking for empty houses. It also acts as a visual answering machine.
The thought came to me that the door of heaven has no such device, neither do you ever have to leave a card saying “called but you were out.” God is always available, he never goes out, and no doubt his dogs are perfectly trained! King David tells us that “The LORD is in His holy temple, the LORD’S throne is in heaven; his eyes behold, his eyelids test the sons of men.” (Psalm 11:4) they ‘test’ us because they never close. Whosoever calls, he is there to answer. He doesn’t go on holiday, turn off his mobile phone or put the answer phone on, he’s not curled up asleep for forty winks after lunch, and no matter the time or the day, he is there to care for us.
Neither do we need to make alternative arrangements for him to deliver to us for he knows when WE are in. If we’ve ordered something from heaven’s superstore, you can be sure he’ll deliver on time not a second or a day too late. God’s middle name is “co-operation” and don’t ask me why, because at best we are a wretched bunch, but we are saved by grace, and He does love His own and seeks to meet them at their point of need.
In fact, it says in Psalm 147:15 “He launches his promises earthward-how swift and sure they come” [The Message], when something is launched it is directional and specific, it has a destination, its route is planned and perfect. Many years ago I received an envelope through my door and found it was bill which I had overlooked and not budgeted for and knew I could not meet it. As I pondered and prayed a knock came on the front door and there stood man who wanted to know if he could buy my A40 saloon on the front drive. It belonged to my first wife but her muscular condition had worsened so she could not drive it and I had intended selling it. The sum he offered was the sum of the bill I was holding in my hand which he could not read. God delivers at the moment for the circumstance, on time and to fit the situation. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” [Matt 6:33]. These are the little things God excels at.